IBREA 2014 UN Global Compact Commitment on Engagement
“Brain Education As a Tool for Peace Education”

This report intends to review how IBREA’s global programs have contributed to the implementation of the UN Millennium Development Goals, as well as to review how the domestic programs have contributed to improving the quality of public education in Korea. In addition, this report aims to show Brain Education’s potential to help build a more peaceful and sustainable world in 2015 and beyond.
Reporting Period: January 2008-June 2014
[Table of Contents]
Statement of Continued Support for the UN Global Compact
IBREA (International Brain Education Association)
- About IBREA
- IBREA Governance
- Partnerships
- International Collaboration
Brain Education as Peace Education
- What is Brain Education?
- BEST 5 Steps and the Brain Operating System (BOS)
- The role of Brain Education in establishing sustainable peace
[Special] Brain Declaration
Global Projects to Support the Millennium Development Goals
- Developing Global Partnerships through Education Aid
- Hosting International Brain Education Conferences
- 2008 International Brain Education Conference
- ECOSOC 2009 Annual Ministerial Review–High-Level Segment Side Event
- 2011 Brain Education Seminar to Commemorate the Second Anniversary of Brain Education Day in New York City
- Disseminating Brain Education to public schools in El Salvador
- 2011 El Salvador Pilot Project
- 2012-2013 Korean Ministry of Education Official Development Assistance (ODA)
- Education Aid for Public Schools to Enhance Student’s Emotional Regulation and Self-esteem
- 2013 Salvadorian Ministry of Education–Nationwide expansion of Brain Education teachers’ training
- 2011 Brain Education workshop for teachers in Tagaytay, Philippines
- 2012-2013 Liberia Brain Education Program–Implementing a pilot project and KOICA-funded Project Assessment
- 2013 Signing of MOU with Sierra Leon, Africa for the Brain Education Project and Earth Citizen Campaign
- 2014 International Brain Education Workshop for visiting educators from Paraguay
Domestic Projects to Support Public Education in Korea
- The Role of Brain Education in Balancing Public Education
- Mental Health Symposium for Youth
- Overview
- Presenting successful cases
- Keynote Speech “The Twenty-first Century as the Age of Brain-centered Unity: A Hope Report on Brain Education”
- The Brain Education project that blossomed in El Salvador
- Progress report on the 2012-13 education aid designated for public schools in El Salvador funded by the Korean Ministry of Education
- Stopping school violence–Hyungseok High School, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea
- Creating a school culture based on caring and communication–Gangnam Middle School, Ulsan City, Korea
- Creating a brain-friendly environment and a happy school–Youpyung Elementary School, Daejeon City, Korea
- A healing camp for teachers to regain passion and a sense of mission as educators
[Special] What is the Happy School Campaign?
Publishing Brain, a bi-monthly magazine focused on Brain Education
The Earth Citizen Movement