IBREA Annual Report 2019-2020
"Brain Education to develop uniquely human capabilities."
I. About IBREA
II. Promoting the Values of Brain Education
III. International Cooperation and Exchange
IV. Job Competency Standardization for Brain Education Professionals
V. Financial Reporting
국제뇌교육협회 지속가능성보고서 2019
2017-2018년 2년의 활동을 담고 있는 이번 두 번째 《지속가능성보고서》는 미국, 일본, 중국, 영국을 포함한 유럽 6개국, 그리고 중동의 카타르까지 포함한 커뮤니케이션 활동 및 파트너십 모델을 제시하였습니다. 또한, 지난 10여년간 지속되어 온 뇌교육 세계화 보급의 진전과 국제교류의 증진이 국내외 파트너기관들로부터 뇌교육 표준화에 대한 필요성을 높이는 결과를 만들어 낸 바, 이번 보고서에는 이를 위한 글로벌 프로세스 협의과정까지 담겨 있습니다.
IBREA Sustainability Report 2016
The Sustainability Report 2016 was prepared in accordance with the 'NPO Sustainability Reporting Guidelines', tailored to the characteristics of civil society organizations, based on the international standards of the UN's sustainability reports, the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) guidelines. It is also submitted to the UN Global Compact as a Commitment of Engagement. This report was published in the format of a sustainability report to more comprehensively integrate IBREA's activities with the implementation of the UN's development goals.
2014 UN Global Compact Commitment on Engagement
This report intends to review how IBREA's global programs have contributed to the implementation of the UN Millennium Development Goals, as well as to review how the domestic programs have contributed to improving the quality of public education in Korea. In addition, this report aims to show Brain Education's potential to help build a more peaceful and sustainable world in 2015 and beyond.